About Acupuncture
One of the earliest records of veterinary acupuncture was found 3000 years ago in China. Along with the increased use and acceptance of acupuncture in human medicine, veterinary acupuncture has moved closer to mainstream practice. The goal of Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine (TCVM) is to diagnose imbalances in the life force (Qi), determine their causes (etiology of the disease) and remove those causes from the patient’s environment (treatment). TCVM views disease as an imbalance between two polarities of Qi, yin (-) and yang (+). Within this conceptual framework, acupuncture is used to “communicate” with body organs and tissues through special channels or meridians.Health and healing in this context is the integration and restoration of balance or harmony of Qi. This view has been validated most recently by the discovery of the relationship between brain chemistry and the immune system as well.
Caring for Your Special Friend
Here at Pet Lovers Animal Hospital, we don’t just treat your pet, we give them lots of attention, care and love. When finding the best veterinary clinic for your pets, we hope you’ll consider us! Call us today.